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Support Batten Disease Support and Research Association Australia

How can you help? We’re so glad you asked.

We rely on generous donations from people like you to fund vital research and support services for Batten disease in Australia. Your support can help us turn hope into a reality.

What do we do?

BDSRA Australia is dedicated to supporting Australian families affected by Batten disease and to advancing vital research, education and awareness of this rare and fatal condition.

To date there is no cure but a recent medical breakthrough has given hope where there was none before. Help us change how this story ends.

Donate via Direct Deposit

To make a donation via Direct Deposit, please email us for bank account details at

Are my donations tax deductible?

Yes, all donations over $2 are tax deductible. Please use our secure online form to donate via credit card, PayPal or Direct Deposit. A receipt will be emailed to you.